


Everyday Health

Take responsibility for your health. Healthy mind and healthy body are integral for your success in personal and professional lives. Take small steps everyday towards healthy life.Eat healthy foods viz. whole grains, veggies, fruits, nuts, salads, millets etc.


Living with

People with diabetes can lead a normal, healthy and joyful life if they have the will, commitment and discipline to take responsibility for their health. When diabetes is properly managed, it will never be a hindrance to your personal or professional well being.


Positive Health Benifits
of Fruits

Fruits are rich in fibers, minerals and vitamins and low in sugars, compared to many other food choices.Every fruit has its own benefits and can be consumed daily, weekly or seasonally. Non-diabetic patients may take multiple servings (3-4) of fruits per day.

Diabetes control during Ramadan

Ideally, counseling and preparation for Ramadan fasting should start 1-2 months before the fasting. You will need a structured Diabetes education program to successfully and safely undertake the fasting.

Smoking Cessation Tips

Smoking harms each and every tissue and cell in your body. Smoking causes heart attack, stroke and cancers. Smoking is not only injurious to you, but also to your family, loved ones and friends.

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