

Patient Education Material

Why should I quit smoking?

Smoking harms each and every tissue and cell in your body. Smoking causes heart attack, stroke and cancers. Smoking is not only injurious to you, but also to your family, loved ones and friends.

How to quit smoking?

Set a quit day: set a particular day within the next 7 days to quit smoking.
Prepare for your Quit Day: Get rid of all the cigarettes, matches, lighters,
ashtrays and smoking products in your home, office and car
Tell your family, friends and colleagues that you are going to quit smoking! This
will help you strengthen your resolve. You will also get emotional support from
them during the quitting process. Ask them not to offer you cigarettes, incase if
they smoke.

Choose a method for quitting.

There are multiple ways to quit. 

• Stopping all at once on your Quit Day (BEST AND THE MOST RELIABLE METHOD)

 • Cutting down the number of cigarettes per day until you stop completely.

• Smoking only part of each cigarette and gradually reducing the number of puffs you take (Needs lot of will power!)

Medicines to sustain quitting:

Some patients may need medicines to sustain quitting. Discuss with your Physician about available options. There are medicines like Nicotine gums, lozenges, sprays and patches.

Healthy substitutes for smoking:

Go for a walk. Listen to music. Learn a new skill or art. Learn to Meditate. Keep sugarless gum, mints or healthy snacks with you. Snack on them when you have craving for smoking.

What if I smoke after quitting?

You will have craving for smoke once you quit. The intensity of crave may be proportionate to the number of cigarettes you had smoked before quitting. The first two to five minutes will be the toughest. If the craving is very strong, use Nicotine gums or lozenges.

What If you do smoke after quitting?

• This doesn’t mean you’re a smoker again. Never give up on quitting. Never lose confidence. Do something now to get back on track. • Don’t punish yourself—tell yourself you’re still a nonsmoker. •Do something positive to divert your mind viz. reading, driving, gardening etc.

What happens after I quit?

• Your senses of smell and taste will improve. • Your smoker’s cough will subside. • You’ll breathe easy. • You’ll be free from the smell of nicotine on your breath and on your clothing. • You’ll have longer life span!

Congratulations and Best wishes. 

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