
Everyday Health

Prioritizing Everyday Health

Take responsibility for your health.

Healthy mind and healthy body are integral for your success in personal and professional lives.

Take small steps everyday towards healthy life.


Proper nutrition is the foundation of good health.

Eat healthy foods viz. whole grains, veggies, fruits, nuts, salads, millets etc. You may include eggs, boiled or grilled lean meat, fish in your diet, if you like.

Avoid simple sugars, sweetened beverages, fried foods, fast foods and convenience foods.

Discuss with your Physician and Registered Dietician to get an individualized diet plan which suits your health and life style.

Stay hydrated well. Drink enough water (at least 1-2 liters per day). If you have heart or kidney problems, discuss with your Physician about the water intake recommended for you.


You may do aerobic exercises (walking, jogging, swimming, skipping or cycling) – 30 minutes per day.

Start slow and increase the duration of exercise gradually.

If you have a heart disease or other medical problems, discuss with your Physician about the exercise plan which suits you. Before doing strength training (weight lifting) or high intensity pilates, take medical consultation and check your fitness level.

Do adequate warm up stretches before starting strength training.

Get exposed to tender sunlight in the early morning or evening hours. Sun light will brighten your mood, stimulate your senses and may provide you with adequate vitamin D you need. Exposure to sunlight also stimulates your Pineal gland, sets your biological clock right and ensures good sleep.


Have 7-8 hours of sleep per day.

Avoid seeing bright lights, artificial screens (mobile, lap tops, TV) during sleep hours.

Your body needs peaceful sleep to repair and rejuvenate itself.

Avoid smoking, alcohol, tobacco chewing  and any other substance abuse.

Avoid excess caffeine intake and canned beverages.


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